

isComplete() indicates that the address is completely selected and that we don’t need further details. I.e. has chose the street number for a detached house, or has chosen the flat (or "Don’t know") for an apartment house. In other words, the user has reached "the finish line".


Street name: street.streetName


Street number: streetNumber.streetNo

Entrance: streetNumber.entrance

House type (E, R, B, F, A, H): streetNumber.houseType

Zip: streetNumber.postalCode

Internal ID for the address: streetNumber.deliveryPointId

Coordinate (if present): streetNumber.longitude

Coordinate (if present): streetNumber.latitude

Floor type (H, U, L, K): floor.floorType

Explanation of floor type: floor.floorTypeName

Floor: floor.floorNo

Flat: household.flatNo

Alternative apartment number the distributors have added to aid the carriers find the right door (local variations if this alias is set or not). I.e. EILERT SUNDTS GATE 40 (OSLO), choose this address, then a floor, and observe the text for the different flats: household.flatAlias

Internal ID for the household / flat: household.deliveryPointId


A simple helper to build the flatnumber (by Norwegian standard). I.e. H0203 if the third flat from the left is chosen from "2. hovedetasje". If floor is chosen, but not flat (in other words, "Don’t know"), will H02?? be returned. If the user havn’t yet chosen floor/flat, the method will return null. Should therefore only be called when isComplete() is true.


To populate Address Helper with an existing address.
Mandatory arguments: streetaddress (street name street number and possible entrance), zip, city
NB: The address must completely match the address that Address Helper would display if entered manually


To populate Address Helper with an existing address.
Mandatory arguments: streetname, streetno, entrance, zip, city
Optional arguments: floortype, floor, flat
NB: The address must completely match the address that Address Helper would display if entered manually


To populate Address Helper with an existing address by using DeliveryPointId (the internal ID). This can be handy as it also supports the special case of duplicate addresses where only the house type differs (i.e. business and apartment house).
Mandatory argument: deliveryPointId (internal ID from DI - can be found in the JSON)
NB: Old DeliveryPointIds can’t necessary be trusted as an address MIGHT get a new DeliveryPointId after changes on the address


If not using the default skin, the Household Help Panel can be shown with this method. It will show a desktop- or a mobile-friendly panel explaining for the user how to find the "correct" household/flat on the floor. (introduced in 1.0.8)